About the Penguin Couple

findingfurleigh wedding guests

The Furleighs

Furin + Burleigh = Furleigh

Kristen FurleighKristen Furleigh ~

I am an advocate for travel, adventure, art and trying new things to make it happen!

My name is Kristen and I like to think that I do things a little differently; creatively even. I am a graduate of Texas State University in San Marcos, TX with a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Theatre and currently pursuing my MBA with an emphasis in International Business/Entrepreneurship from the University of Nevada-Reno.

My passion for creativity has led me down a path where I adventure and travel as often as I can. By my current count I have visited 40 out of 50 states, all except for 4 were visited after I turned 18, and plan to reach my goal of the whole US by 2020. I hope that my life and story encourages others to get out and explore the world and their own personal creativity. I enjoy collaborating with others whether it be as an artist, in business, in life or all of the above. There is so much that can be gained from the other side of the table and I love learning what each has to offer. Blending knowledge and skills is important for any team in this day and age with how fast technology and businesses are advancing. Innovation and creativity are key and my skill set and thirst for knowledge keep me growing and makes me an asset for any company that is up to the task. Let’s create!

Richard FurleighRichard Furleigh~

With an undergrad in Acting from Texas State University and pursuing my MBA at the University of Nevada, Reno I find myself straddling two seemingly opposing worlds, that of the artist and of the businessman. However I see more and more the threads that tie the two together and give breath to greater and more meaningful connections between the juxtaposed. This is where I find my drive, insightful integration of the artist in the rapidly evolving world of business, and I am not alone in this idea. Leading companies such as IDEO and Google have a practice of hiring not for your business experience but for the other factor you bring to the table. Surround yourself with all men from ivy league business schools and your ideas won’t be anything earth shattering. Instead pick a young single mother from the suburbs, a man from the inner city who rose up, an Asian woman with a passion for her culture and you will find the ideas that can build and grow from this diversity of backgrounds will surpass anything you can have imagined.

This diversity of background is something I am intensely proud of, and love to share with those around me. I enjoy helping others think through their problems in a way that they may not have thought of before. There is a commitment to challenging myself and those around me to question the assumptions we have made and to see what better path we can craft together.

Follow us on:
Instagram: @FindingFurleigh
Twitter: @FindingFurleigh & @RichardFurleigh
FB: @FurleighFotography & @PenguinPartnersProductions

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